Importing Old Data Libraries

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Revision as of 12:20, 30 June 2015 by Fabcam1 (talk | contribs)
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If you have saved off your old Bend-Tech data libraries from an older version of the software and wish to use these in the new software, you will need to follow the steps below.

First of all, make sure you do not have any saved data in the new software for the libraries you wish to import. This data will be lost if you import old libraries.

Quit and exit out of any open Bend-Tech software.

1.) Navigate to the location of your current data libraries for the new software. By default this is C:\2020ssi\common\library.

Common library.2.jpg

2.) Find and delete the libraries you wish to import (You may wish to rename instead of delete to keep a backup).

If importing the die library, delete the die library.txt file.
If importing the material library, delete the tube library.txt file.


3.) Navigate to the data directory in the Bend-Tech folder. By default, this is C:\2020ssi\Bend-Tech\data.

Bend tech data folder..jpg

4.) Copy the old die and/or material libraries into this directory. The old libraries will be named Tooling.txt and Material.txt. If importing the die library, you may also place the old spring-back library into this directory (named Spring Files.txt).

5.) Start up the software and it should automatically import the old libraries you pasted into the data directory.

Please contact us if you have any issues or questions!